Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bringing It All Together...

As I reflect over the last 18 months, I have mixed feelings about the things that I learned.

There are many things that I have enjoyed learning about and using within my room. Some of my accomplishments have been:

  • I have used Prezi to add some dimension and interest to some of my classroom presentations and project components.  
  • I have had students use Voicethread to culminate a project and create a class book.
  • Digital Storytelling was a tool that all students used to create their own version of a fairytale.
  • One of my most struggling and uninterested writers grew to love a digital storytelling program and improve his writing and social skills.
  • The use of blogging with students has continued to develop and enhance my students' learning.
  • Knowledge of what kind of tools and opportunities are available has grown immensely. 
There are still areas that I am not secure or confident with:
  • The more specific ins-and-outs of how computers and technology works.
  • Understand more of the vocabulary concepts better so that I don't have as much to focus on.
  • How younger age students can use technology more (seemed focused a lot more on middle and high school aged students)

Overall, I definitely feel as though I grew as a professional. There are many ways that I already have, and will continue to, enhanced my classroom with technology. Personally, there have been a few areas that I have grown, but much more in the professional category, as that was my primary focus.