Monday, October 17, 2011

Digital Storytelling

Until this class, I didn't really think of my material as "presentations," when that is exactly what it is.  I know that I am sharing and "presenting" information to my students, but I also have always attached the word "presentation" to the business or professional world.  Thinking about it in my classroom really made me see my materials through a different eye.

The materials that we had to read and look at this week really hit home in so many ways.  I don't think any of us could read this and not connect it to at least one situation in our life when we have experienced a poorly delivered presentation.  Hopefully, after this course is over, we all steer clear of presenting the evil "slideument."

There was a mix of opinion about how to use presentation software to share information, and even an opinion that it shouldn't be used at all.  Each article brings out interesting and valid points about why presentations should simplify their material, why presentations have simplified material too much, and even why presentation software should be banned all together.  I can't see our world moving towards the elimination of presentation software, but hopefully towards using it more effectively.


  1. Jess,
    Most of us do poorly presentations and we do not know it. Most people put all their information in the PowerPoint and think its okay. When ideally we should include main points only in the presentation then talk more about it. I dislike when PowerPoint/presentations are so cluttered and so busy. I do not know which way to follow. I also agree that I cannot see our world elimination presentation software either. If anything it would be more training on how to use it more effectively.

  2. Jess I have to agree. I keep seeing things that say that presentations are dead or power point is dead, but is it really. I mean if we are still using text books from so long ago how are we ever going to get off of presentation software that we know so well. Many presenters have their slides and use them over every speech or year with minor adjustments. I think you are right hopefully we move to proper use instead of no use!
