Thursday, February 16, 2012

I still can't get past feeling very overwhelmed by the material with this class.  I hate not feeling like I have much to contribute to the group activities.  However, I do like working through the material together because it has given me a chance to talk through things and get better understanding of ideas, or possibly confirm my own thoughts.  I am also at a place with work/teaching, where there is a lot of "revamping" occurring due to the Common Core and Essential Outcome work and the all powerful RTI focus.  This has gotten me in the mindset of staying focused on things that I can use and need so that I keep myself focused so that I can be most productive and efficient.  That being said, as much a data will be driving a lot of the things that we do (for RTI), I feel like data is different than statistics (with all the options for how to look at the numbers/scores).  For all I know, what I just said is ridiculous, but that is where I am currently at.

1 comment:

  1. Have you become convinced that statisticians are somewhat odd? I hate feeling as if I'm inflicting pain on people!
