Thursday, August 16, 2012

Data…again (ugh)

Well, I can't say that I was looking forward to going through a bunch of data again, however this time, I did think about it a little differently. Since going through tons of RtI and Common Core assessment work all school year, it could be useful to help ensure student success (along with the other assessments that we developed). It was a bit refreshing to be able to note our school's strengths, related to the information we were looking at in WINSS. I also felt a little more empowered to say that I could actually point to groups that needed some focus and ways we could maybe think about improving their scores.

1 comment:

  1. Jess, It's great to know that this was more of a smooth ride for you looking up data. I did not like looking it up either, but every time I do, I learn more information. Not being an educator, I enjoyed all the information I was able to see. Again, great job learning more about your school and areas of improvement.
